I first showed my friends on Facebook, so if you are getting this message twice…good 🙂
I finally finished my “book” (it is really more of an essay) on fitness and how faith, love,  and a growth mindset helped me to overcome the biggest challenge in my life. In it, I focus most on the physical aspect of recovery because that was the most obvious and challenging.  This was surprisingly a lot more challenging than I imagined, and it led me down some dark memories that were hard to remember and write.
Today, it is an e-book which means it can be read on a Kindle, a tablet, phone, or PC.  A lot of people were confused as to if they needed a Kindle Reader to read it, and you do not.  Some of the formatting might be different between the devices, but it all looks roughly the same.
You can get the book from the button at the bottom of this post, and throughout my site.
Many people know how bad cancer can be, but cancer treatments, like chemo and radiation, do a lot of damage to the body physically inside and out.  More harm than most people can do in their lifetimes.
To even qualify for a stem cell transplant you cannot be a drug user, heavy drinker, or smoker.  (a great reason to abandon those things, just in case) The organ toxicity would be too much between the vices and the chemo making the transplant have a greater chance of killing you than cancer would.  These therapy drugs damage your liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen, and heart.  My point here is that we all have different contributing factors to the physical damage in our bodies over the years.  Mine was just amplified.
This is how my fitness program can be helpful…I am certain that if I can do this, you can do so much more, and I outlined the exact things in my book that WILL get you there.  If you are just getting started or picking up from where you last let off, this is all the information you need to get on track!
Death to Diesel is not long (if you are reading adverse) and it has all the information you would need to transform your body without the need for a personal trainer or much internet research.  It is a one-stop program that literally anyone can do.
I hope that it inspires some people, but mostly I hope it shows you that you can get in shape no matter how far behind the 8-ball you might think you are.  While it may be possible, it is unlikely that you are worse off physically than I was when I started. 
If you started this program today, you will be looking great by summer!  For the record, I have only been following this program for 275 days today, myself!
I do appreciate your support and if you get something useful from it, please write a nice review 🙂

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This comprehensive plan encapsulates every step I took on my journey from a state of near-helplessness to a place of vitality, strength, and optimal fitness.



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