Overthinking robs us of our happiness.

It has been a real issue in my life in everything from business to personal relationships.  I often think myself out of happiness and worse, opportunity.  Here are 7 things I do to counteract my own tendencies to overthink.

    1.  The problem you are worried about is rarely the problem

Most of the time the problem isn’t the problem, it is how you perceive the problem.  I can help you reframe your problems and help you find the opportunity in them. We rarely are moving away from real pain, but simply what we believe will lead to pain.

    1.  Avoid the tendency to reject yourself, before you even start.

Don’t think you deserve that job?  Apply for it anyway

Don’t think she will reply to your message?  Send it anyway

Don’t overthink yourself into self-rejection

    1. Give your subconscious time and patience to work out your issue

You will find most of the answers you are looking for in silence, meditation, time, and with a clear mind. If you cant find the solutions, stop pushing it.  If you are emotionally moved, put the decision off to a later time.  Give your whole brain a chance to come up with solutions, not just one part of it.

    1.  Can you influence or change your problem?

This is an important question.  99% of the things I have worried about were outside of my control.  Ask yourself, “Is there anything I can do right now to change the past, or positively influence the future.

If the answer is yes—then do it

If the answer is no–then let it go.

    1.  Fact-check your thoughts.

During high emotion, your thoughts will create scenarios in your own mind that naturally will reflect your own insecurities, past failures, and worries.  Your brain will literally tell you stories that aren’t true.  Be aware of this and review the “why” behind why you think a certain thing is or isn’t true and make sure you are operating with not only all the information, but factual information.

    1.  Acceptance is Peace

No amount of anxiety will change the past.

Accept imperfection

Accept uncertainty

    1.  Health starts in your mind.

Physical fitness is a great way to start healing, but it is not the be-all and end-all of true health.  True health is measured by the quality of our thoughts and the peacefulness of our minds.

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