Have you ever seen a great actor in a movie or on TV and then from there on out, seen that guy or girl everywhere?  

Have you ever bought a new car and then while driving it, realized how many of that particular car are on the road? 

Well, it isn’t that the actor’s career just took off or there was a boom in the production of the same vehicle you purchased. It is just that you are now “tuned in” to those things and therefore are seeing them pop up all over. They were always prevalent, it is just now you are made aware of them. This is what some people call the Law of Attraction while others write it off as a coincidence. Whether you like it or not, what you visualize in your head (your conscious mind) gives your subconscious, commands to go out and obtain related like data in that area. 

Consciously you are driving VW Turbo CC, Subconsciously your brain is telling the rest of the world that is what you are interested in and to show you more of such. 

This can be both a blessing and a curse! 

While this is cute when talking about cars, it is scary to think what else your conscious mind is, or could be, potentially focusing on and attracting into your real life. 

Here is where social media comes in…Look at your news feed. Take a peek at the last three days or so. 

How many posts and pictures, did you see about abused animals? 

How many cancer stories did you read? (I don’t mean the ones about friends surviving or beating cancer…I mean the ones about some sick kid in Utah hooked up to all kinds of machines looking for 1,000,000 likes) 

How many vehicle accidents? How many violent stories? 

Even on a smaller, less significant scale…How many bad relationships or relationship complaints have you seen? 

How many people are talking about drinking or drug abuse? 

Sure, this is the typical personal drama that happens in everyone’s lives, BUT think about how many of the people on your friends list you would never have known about BEFORE Facebook? It is an OVEREXPOSURE to garbage. This is similar to the mainstream news: It wasn’t that this stuff wasn’t going on 50 years ago, we just heard about it less. We are over-inundated with bad images. Like anything else, if your best friend gets cheated on, then by all means be there for them. However, do you really need to know that a girl 2 classes ahead of you from high school, 20 years ago, hates her husband? You are being overexposed to the worst facets of humanity, and worse yet, maybe bringing it into your own home just from the process of thinking, talking, reading, seeing or posting about it. 

Are any of these topics “bad”? Honestly, no. The topics and posts themselves are just that…topics and posts. But… 

What are you mentally digesting every single day? 

What if we are attracting these things into our lives? Our homes? Our children’s lives? The internet makes bad things appear exponentially more prevalent. It is wildly popular and powerful. It is only natural to think “Wow, there really are a lot of abused pit bulls” or “Another kid with cancer, this shit is everywhere” These thoughts, spoken or not, are sending messages to your subconscious telling it to go find MORE evidence of these terrible things in the world. It is no wonder we are depressed, angry, or scared. 

By all means PLEASE keep coming with the good stuff. I want to see your family! I love it. I want to see when that guy 2 years behind me in high school buys a new house! 

I don’t know about you, but I find myself in enough sticky situations without any help from my subconscious. 

Let’s all go forward trying to use this “power” for good! If we make a conscious effort to post positive and exciting achievements and stories of the good in humanity, I honestly believe it can make a huge difference in all of our lives! 

It will expose us all to the good stuff that we WANT to attract. 

If you are struggling with the world around you I have tools that can help you change your perception and “tune-in” to the things that can benefit you.  Hit me up at the links below, and I can show you how to shift momentum in your favor!

I am always here to help





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