Michael David Maley
My Mission:Training professionals to help them reach their full potential
I am so glad you found my site! If you feel like you are the type of person who is ready to start living a more powerful existence than you may have dreamed, I am here for it!
About Me
I am an active father of three young men, a veteran, entrepreneur, certified fitness trainer and enthusiast, author, public speaker, marital consultant, business coach, cognitive behavioral therapist (CBT), Neuro-Linguisitc Programming (NLP) Master Practioner, and multi-certified Life Optimization Coach.
With more than 25 years in the business and fitness industries, I have created multiple successful marketing start-ups and retail businesses. I have contributed to and continue to write dozens of articles for various blogs and publications.
As a survivor of Stage 4 cancer, I am on a mission to help as many as I can change the way they think about life’s obstacles while finding the beauty and opportunity in life’s challenges.
I’m using my life’s “second chance” along with a Stoic Christian philosophy to encourage, challenge, and motivate the most serious and high-value men, leaving little room for excuses or shortcuts.
I believe that if people would keep an open mind to the larger picture they will be able to realize their own unlimited potential while finding happiness along the way.
Aside from personal training, I volunteer to coach at-risk young men teaching them the same core responsibilities and values and help them set goals and look to the future in order to rise above their environment and on to a happy, healthy, and successful life.
My Core Values
Honest and clear-intentioned advice. Oftentimes when people give advice it comes with an underlying motivation that might not serve your best interests. Even when the advice is “good”, knowing the intention behind it makes all the difference. I will never mix my words or leave you feeling uncertain about where we are headed.
Compassionate Understanding
My role is not to judge. I am dedicated to drawing out what your goals and desires are, and to helping you to work toward those. Whether that goal is to quit smoking or change the world, the habits and steps are the same. While I will challenge you to reach for more than you may be currently, there is no objective too large or too small for our efforts.
You have friends and family that are there to support and coddle you. I will not. I am in the business of problem-solving with solution-oriented plans.
By the time we are adults, we rarely have someone holding us accountable for our progress, growth, and goals. With regular check-ins and milestone tracking, I will work alongside you to make sure that you are always on track.
If there is one thing I learned, is that every long journey begins with one step and continues with making headway each day. No matter where you are today we can start to get you back and better than ever by taking it step-by-step, day by day. Consistency is key.
My Approach
I originally didnt have any intention of writing a book, a blog, or coaching people to overcome life’s largest and most serious obstacles. I was just a guy trying to survive. I assumed that I was left with no choice and was merely a beneficiary of the flight or fight instinct inside all of us.
In the case of cancer, I didn’t have much of a say in when I was going to get it, how bad it would get, or even in the ultimate outcome. I did, however, have a say in how I was going to think about it and how I was going to react to it, and you have a choice in how you react to your challenges.
I learned that even while some of my hardest challenges came from an external influence, the emotions that I felt and worked through were internal and that I had control over how I felt and thought about them. I relied on gratitude and prayer as my strength and safe harbor.
This is how I can be of most service to you. I will challenge your mindset to help you rethink and navigate your struggles. I recognize that there are many coaches available, but what I offer is the actual experience and real-world knowledge of how to get through some of life’s darkest points successfully. Not just theory. Practice.
At 47, I have been emaciated physically, heartbroken, divorced (twice), separated from my children, robbed, and financially devastated twice. In each situation, I did some things right, and some wrong, but I came back stronger each time. I write and teach what I learned and accomplished while cautioning against what I did wrong.
When I was in the hospital with no clear path out, I had nothing to give my children. Today, I am able to give them the greatest gift at my disposal, which is a grateful heart, and an empowered mindset to not only show them that they can achieve everything they want but to know that no matter what life throws at them they will likely never be as bad off as their father. They know now that they can and should always pray and keep pushing.
It has been 3 years since I was first given my death sentence…
Since then…
I have created an invisible mansion of time where I eat when I’m hungry, sleep when I’m tired, and wake when I’m rested. I embrace freedom and time above all over assets. Extrinsic things are not as important to me as time, people, and relationships.
I have health and fitness that my doctors can’t believe.
I have more money than I need and more importantly, I have become a responsible steward of it.
I have a beautiful, fit, hard-working, girlfriend who is a motivating force.
I cannot sleep past 6 because I’m excited to wake up every day.
I am happy.
I have already helped numerous people change their mindsets from extrinsic goals to intrinsic ones. I work to inspire challenge and motivate everyone to have better healthier, satisfied, and happy lives.
I pray I can share this gift with you and hope to be even a small part of your story.